Método supports in Romania the capacity strengthening of the Public Employment Service to provide services of green jobs.

Método Estudios Consultores, S.L.U. has participated as a Transnational Partner in the GREEN JOBS project, contributing to the creation of an analysis and monitoring of the green jobs in Romania through the Public Employment Service personnel.

Método Consultores

In May of 2014, Método has finished the Romanian Project "Empleo Verde – Creating an analysis and monitoring system of green jobs in Romania". This Project, financed by the European Social Fund and framed in the “Human Resources Development Operational Programme - POS DRU 2007-2013 », had as principal objective contributing to the creation of the identification and register system of the green jobs in Romania, and also to identify the necessary instruments in order to encourage the creation of these jobs, all of it with the objective of increasing the capacity of the Public Employment Services to anticipate and manage the changes of the labor market, according to the requirements of the European Commission included in the Communication “Europe 2020 – A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth”.

As a Transnational Partner in this European Project, Método has participated in the regional seminaries and the national seminary for the presentation and debate of the results of the national studies about green jobs. These seminaries have been made in different places of the Romanian geography and involved the participation of approximately, 100 representatives of the employment services and social agents, and also with other public and private actors, relevant at a regional level.

Furthermore, Método developed his role as a Transnational Partner of the Project in the “International Conference for the presentation of Good Practices on green jobs identified in the European Union member-states", which was held in March in Bucharest (Rumanía). This event gathered 100 representatives of the public employment services in Romania, social interlocutors and other relevant actors, and also other public and private institutions responsible for contribution to the development of the “green economy”. This international conference counted with expert-lecturers in the field, from Spain, also representatives from the other countries invited to the event (Irlanda, Francia, Dinamarca y Austria). Given the quality of the expert-lecturers and the discussed subject, the conference generated expectation within the Romanian public services, having a wide media coverage and being presented in various means of communication (prensa, radio and television).

On the other hand, Método has carried out the proposal Solutions to improve the registration system of green jobs for the Public Employment Service. For this purpose, it has been made the analysis of the current registration system of green jobs and the best methods have been proposed, that aimed to obtain an on-line employment system that allow identifying those jobs which may be considered as green jobs.

In the project framework, it has been made an Analysis of the national legal frame and there have been formulated proposals in order to foster the green job creation in Romania. Thanks to this research, green jobs in Spain have been identified and studied, as well as the legal system that regulates the management process of the job at a national level. In this case, the research has also been completed by providing proposals aimed at creating green jobs in Romania.

Por otra parte, and within the activities carried out by Método, outstands the Organization of 4 Visitas de Estudio. These exchange visits made known, a 100 experts from the Romanian Public Employment Service (SPO), the main economic sectors with “green” potential in Spain. These exchange reunions were held in Madrid and Vigo in May and counted on the cooperation of both public institution and green enterprises.

Finally, thanks to this project, and to the know-how of Método in the field of the green jobs, the experts of the Romanian Public Employment Service, have acquired the necessary knowledge regarding the promoting and enhancing the green employment in Romania.

Furthermore, the activities implemented by Método in this Project, as a Transnational Partner, represent the preoccupation and the interest that the company has for the sustainability and the environment.

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