Green Jobs Internacional Conference, a successful fact

Seminars on green economy, 20 and 21 March 2014

On 27 and 28 March was celebrated the “International Conference for the presentation of green jobs Good Practices, identified in the Member States of the European Union” in Bucharest, Romania. This event is one of the main activities of the Green Jobs project, where Método Estudios Consultores S.L.U. participates as transnational partner.

International Conference was attended by over 100 people from the public employment services in Romania, as social partners and other stakeholders, as well as other public and private institutions responsible for contributing to the development of the “green economy”. Therefore, International Conference was configured as the best place to share good green jobs practices in Europe.

Also, the event was marked by the participation of leading international and local lecturers, who shared their knowledge and experiences on green jobs, making the Conference a meeting and international exchange space.

Among participants, highlighted Spaniards speakers, who were praised for the quality of their presentations as well as exposures made, showing that Spain is a reference in green jobs in Europe.

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