The Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development – SOP HRD (POSDRU in Romanian) sets the priority axes and the major intervention areas of Romania in the human resources field in order to implement the EU financial assistance through the European Social Fund, within the frame of, Convergence objective, for the programming period 2007-2013.

Elaborated in the context of National Development Plan 2007-2013 and in line with the Priorities of the National Strategic Reference Framework, SOP HRD is an important instrument in supporting the economic development and structural changes. Moreover, the investments in human capital will complement and will confer sustainability to the increase of productivity on a longterm. A highly qualified labour force, with a high level of education, having the capacity to respond to the new technologies and to the changing needs of markets, is essential for a competitive and dynamic economy. Romania will promote active labour market policies to increase the adaptability and flexicurity of labour force. It is envisaged to be reached a higher level of participation on the labour market, as a base for a competitive knowledge based economy.

SOP HRD was elaborated under the coordination of Ministry of Labour, Family and Equal Opportunities. During the consultations there were involved the Ministry of Economy and Finance, National Agency of Employment, Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, Ministry of Internal Affaires and Administrative Reform, Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Public Health, National Institute for Statistics, National Institute for Scientific Research in the field of Labour and Social Protection, AntiPoverty Commission and Promotion of Social Inclusion, National Adults Training Board, National Agency for Equal Opportunities, Ministry for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Trade, Tourism and Liberal Professions, other line ministries and agencies. There also took place large consultations with social partners, civil society organisations, public administration and other relevant stakeholders.

General Objective

The general objective of SOP HRD is the development of human capital and increasing competitiveness, by linking education and lifelong learning with the labour market and ensuring increased opportunities for future participation on a modern, flexible and inclusive labour market for 1,650,000 people.

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives can be summarised as follows:

  • Promoting quality initial and continuous education and training, including higher education and research;
  • Promoting entrepreneurial culture and improving quality and productivity at work;
  • Facilitating the young people and long term unemployed insertion in the labour market;
  • Developing a modern, flexible, inclusive labour market;
  • Promoting (re)insertion in the labour market of inactive people, including in rural areas;
  • Improving public employment services;
  • Facilitating access to education and to the labour market of the vulnerable groups.

The ESF intervention in Romania shall support the achievement of the general objective and the specific objectives in the field of human resources development, making a real contribution to the implementation of European Employment Strategy and to the overall objective of growth and jobs.

>>POSDRU Website