Método expertise in the labor market and employment study, now in Romania


In December 2013 Método began its participation in the Romanian Project Green Jobs – Creating a system of analysis and monitoring of green jobs in Romania, in partnership with three partners of this country. Our company holds there the key role transnational organization that provides expertise and organizational capacity in the field of employment, and in particular, on the subject of sustainability and green jobs.

Funded by the European Social Fund and framed in the Sectoral Operational Programme of Human Resources Development – POSDRU 2007-2013, project has the main objective of contributing to the creation of the identification system and green jobs registration in Romania. Both, has the objective of identify those instruments necessary to stimulate the creation of these jobs, all with the aim of increasing public employment services capacity to anticipate and manage changes in the labor market in accordance with the European Commission requirements, included in the communication Europe 2020 – A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Método experience and know-how accumulated over recent years in all matters relating to active participation in projects and studies of the same subject, will contribute substantially to the success of this project. Consequently, it will contribute to the improvement of capabilities of the target group,  the staff of the public employment service in Romania.

Actions to be carried out will mainly focus on the transfer of knowledge through various tools, such as the organization of an international conference, where best practices based on Spanish territory will be exposed. Additionally, study visits to the Romanian public service staff will be prepared, in order to observe, in situ, companies and institutions in our country, that offer green jobs information and models. Among other activities, will also be organized seminars, where are going to be presented the results of the various studies that are going to be carried.

By participating in this project, the company strengthens its role as a transnational entity, specialized in analysis and job training.

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