Tag Archives: Romanian visit to Spain

Start of Study Visits in Spain for Romanian Public Employment Service staff


Green Jobs European project, on which Método Estudios Consultores participates as transnational partner, includes among its activities the implementation of four study visits in Spain led to the target group of the project, staff of the Public Employment Service of Romania.

Two groups of 25 public employees in Romania have flown to Madrid and Vigo yesterday to start the first Study Visits scheduled for one week in Madrid and Galicia communities.

Galician group has visited this morning the City Council of Vigo, where has been presented the employment situation in the county of Vigo. Then, they have gone to Centro de Interpretación del Parque Nacional Illas Atlánticas, where Centre guides explained them the Management of protected Natural Areas. In the afternoon, they will have the opportunity to perform a guied schooner cruise to the Parque Nacional Marítimo-Terrestre de las Islas Cíes. Back in the schooner, they will approach Meira in order to know the mussel cultivation process. During their back journey to Vigo, they will taste mussels, pâté and Albariño wine.

Tomorrow, they will travel to A Coruña to visit the Centro de Extensión Universitaria y Divulgación Ambiental de Galicia (CEIDA), take a guided tour around the Castillo de Santa Cruz, and to visit the Deputación provincial da Coruña.

Meanwhile, Madrid group has visited today the Public State Employment Service, where has been explained the Labor Reform and Labour Market in Spain. After that, they went to the Spanish Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs (CEAJE), where was treated the importance of training for companies, as a measure to promote entrepreneurship in the environmental sector. Tomorrow they will visit Fundación Tripartita para la Formación y el Empleo and Employment and Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Madrid.

Método Estudios Consultores would like to thank all organizations and public institutions that have offered their cooperation for the realization of the Study Visits: Concello de Vigo, Centro de Interpretación del Parque Nacional Illas Atlánticas, CEIDA, Deputación provincial da Coruña, Centro Público Integrado de Formación Profesional de Coia, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Ecocelta Galicia, Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal, CEAJE, Fundación Tripartita para la Formación y el Empleo, Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Madrid, Secretaría de Salud y Medioambiente de FITAG-UGT, Fundación Biodiversidad y Centro de Educación Ambiental Puente del Perdón (Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama).

More information about week visits in the Study Visits program brochures